Welcome to the site with the most important news of TNT

IMPORTANT: Do not create multiple accounts to use our promotion, because it unbalances the game. The limit is one account per person. The use of multiple accounts just to gain referrals is not allowed and is punishable by hanging.

The Neopets Team [TNT], both share a lot of neopoints for every User, but to get them to have to figure out our blog created especially for this purpose, few can find out, because it is hidden somewhere at the site, a link invisible! You will be directed to this place from the link! You can also pass it to their best friends, to receive your neopoints!

The breakdown total is:

100,000 np for users with 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 months!

1,000,000 np for users 10 to 20 months!

10,000,000 np for users with more than 20 months!

Contact us "Suport.Staff.Neopets.TNT @ hotmail.com" and send a message with the following:

Title: Promotion for Free Neopoints

Message Body:

User name  :_______________ 

Your e-mail address used in registration in neopets :______________@______________

Months that your account is: _____months

Sending e-mail, we will spend the instructions

Send and Good Use of your Neopoints!


Sincerely Neopets Team




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